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cable crunches

Cable Crunches

Overview of the exercise

Cable crunches are a popular and effective exercise that targets the abdominal muscles, particularly the rectus abdominis, obliques, and transverse abdominis. This exercise involves using a cable machine to create resistance while performing a crunching motion, which helps to strengthen and tone the core muscles. 

Cable crunches are a versatile exercise that can be modified to suit different fitness levels and goals, making them an ideal addition to any workout routine. With proper form and consistency, cable crunches can help improve posture, enhance athletic performance, and promote overall fitness and well-being.

Exercise Profile:

Muscle Group Targeted: Abs

Equipment: Cable

Mechanics: Isolation

Experience Level: Beginner

Secondary Muscles hit: None


Here are step-by-step instructions on how to perform cable crunches:

  1. Start by attaching a rope handle to the high-pulley cable machine and setting the weight to an appropriate level.
  2. Kneel down in front of the cable machine with your back to the machine, facing the attachment point.
  3. Grasp the rope handle with both hands and bring it behind your head so that your hands are positioned just above your shoulders.
  4. With your abs engaged, slowly contract your core muscles and bend forward, bringing your elbows towards your knees.
  5. Pause briefly at the bottom of the movement, then slowly return to the starting position, keeping tension on your abs throughout the entire range of motion.
  6. Repeat for the desired number of reps.

Cable Crunches Tips

Here are some tips to get the most out of your cable crunches:

  • Use proper form: Maintaining good form is essential to prevent injury and ensure that you’re targeting the right muscles. Focus on using your abs to lift your upper body, keeping your head and neck in a neutral position, and avoiding any swinging or jerky movements.
  • Control your breathing: As with most exercises, breathing is key. Breathe out as you crunch forward and inhale as you return to the starting position. This will help you stay focused and in control of the movement.