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Leg Curl

Leg Curl

Overview of the exercise

The leg curl is a popular exercise that targets the muscles in the back of the thigh, also known as the hamstring. This exercise is typically performed using a machine, but can also be done using a resistance band or body weight. The leg curl is an effective way to strengthen and tone the hamstring muscles, which are essential for movements such as walking, running, and jumping. Additionally, strong hamstrings can help to prevent injuries and improve overall lower body strength and stability.

Exercise Profile:

Muscle Group Targeted: Hamstrings

Equipment: Machine

Mechanics: Isolation

Experience Level: Beginner

Secondary Muscles hit: Glutes


  1. Start by positioning yourself on a leg curl machine, with your legs under the pad and your ankles securely fastened in place.
  2. Begin with your knees slightly bent, and keep your back flat against the pad.
  3. Slowly curl your legs up towards your buttocks, contracting your hamstrings as you lift.
  4. Hold the contraction at the top of the movement for a second or two.
  5. Slowly release the contraction and return your legs to the starting position.
  6. Repeat the movement for the desired number of repetitions.

It’s important to keep your form in check throughout the exercise. Avoid arching your back, and keep your movements slow and controlled. Also, you can use weights if you want to increase the resistance.

Additionally, don’t forget to stretch your hamstrings before and after performing the leg curl exercise to prevent injury and maintain flexibility.

When performing the leg curl exercise, you should focus on contracting the muscles in the back of your thigh, not on lifting as much weight as possible. It’s better to use a weight that you can lift with proper form for the desired number of reps than to use a weight that causes your form to suffer.

Leg Curl Tips

  • Start with proper form: Make sure your legs are positioned correctly on the machine and your knees are at the edge of the pad. Keep your back pressed against the backrest and your feet firmly planted on the footpad.
  • Focus on your muscles: Keep your mind focused on the muscles you are working, specifically the hamstrings. This will help you engage the muscle group more effectively.
  • Control the movement: Slowly lower the weight, making sure to control the movement and not let gravity take over. This will help you maximize muscle activation.
  • Don’t lock out your knees: Keep a slight bend in your knees at the bottom of the movement to avoid locking out and putting stress on your joints.
  • Warm up before: Before starting your leg curl workout, make sure to warm up your muscles with a light cardio exercise or stretching. This will help prevent injury and improve your performance.
  • Use proper weight: Use a weight that is challenging but manageable for your current strength level. It is better to start with a lighter weight and gradually increase it as you get stronger.