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Leg Extensions

Leg Extensions

Overview of the exercise

Leg extensions are a popular exercise for targeting the quadriceps, or the muscles on the front of the thigh. This exercise is typically performed on a machine, with the user sitting and pushing against resistance to straighten the leg. 

Leg extensions can be used to build strength and definition in the quadriceps, and can also be incorporated into a larger leg workout or rehabilitation program. It is important to use proper form and start with a light weight to avoid injury. As the muscle gets stronger, the weight can be increased gradually.

Exercise Profile:

Muscle Group Targeted: Quadriceps

Equipment: Machine

Mechanics: Isolation

Experience Level: Beginner

Secondary Muscles hit: None


  1. Begin by sitting on a leg extension machine with your back against the backrest and your feet under the pads.
  2. Adjust the machine so that the pads are positioned at the level of your ankles.
  3. Grasp the handles or the sides of the seat for stability.
  4. Slowly extend your legs, pushing the pads away from your body until your legs are straight.
  5. Hold this position for a moment, then slowly lower the pads back to the starting position.
  6. Repeat this movement for the desired number of reps and sets.
  7. Make sure to keep your back against the backrest and your core engaged throughout the exercise.
  8. Avoid locking your knees at the top of the movement and keep a slight bend in your legs to prevent injury.

Leg Extensions Tips

  • Proper Form: To target your quadriceps effectively, make sure you’re sitting upright and engaging your core. Keep your knees in line with your toes and avoid letting them drift inward or outward.
  • Start with a Light Weight: Begin with a light weight until you’re comfortable with the movement and can maintain proper form. As you build strength, you can gradually increase the weight.
  • Slow and Controlled Movement: Avoid using momentum to lift the weight. Instead, focus on a slow and controlled movement, lifting and lowering the weight with intention.
  • Engage Your Glutes: To add extra activation to your glutes, engage them while performing the leg extension exercise. This will help to target both your quads and glutes for a complete lower body workout.
  • Focus on the Eccentric Movement: The eccentric (lowering) portion of the exercise can be just as important as the concentric (lifting) portion. Take your time on the way down and control the weight as you lower it.