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Rack pull

Rack Pull

Overview of the exercise

The Rack Pull exercise is a highly effective weightlifting movement that targets the legs, lower back, and glutes. This exercise is performed with a barbell and a weightlifting rack, hence the name “Rack Pull.” The movement involves lifting the barbell from knee height to mid-thigh level, allowing for a full range of motion and maximum engagement of the target muscles.

Exercise Profile:

Muscle Group Targeted: Hamstrings

Equipment: Barbell

Mechanics: Compound

Experience Level: Beginner / Intermediate

Secondary Muscles hit: Glutes, Lower Back, Quads


  1. Set up: Start by placing a barbell on a weightlifting rack, with the bar positioned at knee height. Stand in front of the bar with your feet hip-width apart.
  2. Grip: Grip the bar with a slightly wider than shoulder-width grip, and make sure your palms are facing away from your body.
  3. Stance: Take a slightly wider than hip-width stance, with your feet pointing forward.
  4. Setup: Bend your knees and hips, and take hold of the bar with your palms facing away from your body.
  5. Lift: Keeping your back straight, push through your heels to extend your hips and knees, lifting the bar up to mid-thigh height. Make sure to keep the bar close to your body throughout the movement.
  6. Lower: Slowly lower the bar back down to the starting position, keeping control of the weight and avoiding any bouncing or swinging.
  7. Repeat: Repeat the movement for the desired number of repetitions, making sure to keep good form and control throughout the exercise.

It’s important to use proper form and technique when performing the Rack Pull exercise, as this will help prevent injury and ensure that you are targeting the correct muscle groups. If you are new to weightlifting or have any concerns about your form, it’s recommended that you consult a professional trainer or coach.

Rack Pull Tips

Here are some tips for performing the Rack Pull exercise effectively:

  • Warm up: Always warm up before starting your workout, especially if you’re performing heavy lifts like the Rack Pull. This will help prevent injury and improve your performance.
  • Control the weight: Make sure to control the weight throughout the movement, and avoid any bouncing or swinging. This will help you engage the target muscle groups effectively and reduce the risk of injury.
  • Keep your back straight: Make sure to maintain a straight back throughout the movement, avoiding any rounding or hunching. This will help you engage your lower back muscles and prevent injury.
  • Push through your heels: Focus on pushing through your heels when lifting the bar, rather than using your lower back. This will help you target your hamstrings and glutes more effectively.
  • Keep the bar close to your body: Keeping the bar close to your body throughout the movement will help you maintain control and reduce the risk of injury.
  • Progressive overload: As you get stronger, gradually increase the weight you’re lifting to continue challenging your muscles and making progress.
  • Take rests: Give your muscles time to rest and recover between sets and workouts, especially if you’re lifting heavy weights.
  • By following these tips, you can perform the Rack Pull exercise effectively, target the right muscle groups, and reduce the risk of injury.